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Evington Valley Primary School

The Principles of Assessment at Evington Valley Primary School

The Governors and staff at Evington Valley Primary School use an on-going assessment process which is at the heart of teaching and learning. It is a fair, consistent, age and ability appropriate process across all phases within the school. It will support pupils and their families to understand where each pupil is on their learning journey and support each pupil, whatever their ability, in achieving their potential. It is a manageable process for staff.

Your child:

  • Will receive regular feedback that will support them in their learning

  • Will have the opportunity to demonstrate and review their progress

  • Will know their next steps in learning and have challenging targets

The school:

  • Will ensure that all assessment provides evidence to guide teaching and learning and supports high expectations for learners
  • Will convey assessment outcomes in an open, honest and transparent way to assist pupils with their learning
  • Will provide meaningful and understandable information for parents in supporting children with their learning
  • Will discuss and celebrate the whole child and promote self-esteem for all pupils
  • Will provide parents with an end of year summary of their child's progress and attainment compared to children of a similar age nationally
  • Will moderate judgements within and across schools with experienced professionals to ensure accuracy
  • Will be able to compare pupils achievement with other schools both locally and nationally, use it to inform School Self Evaluation, to develop School Improvement priorities and for staff performance management


  • Will attend termly (and more frequent if required) opportunities to discuss their child's progress and next steps in learning
  • Will provide the school with information about their child that will support the child's learning
  • Will contribute to discussions about the whole child and promote the child's self-esteem