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Evington Valley Primary School

School Meals

Our school meals are cooked on the premises and are well balanced, nutritious and of a high standard. There is an excellent choice of meat (Halal & non-Halal) and vegetarian dishes. Meals can be paid for on a termly, half-termly or weekly basis. Dinner money must be paid online using the School Money payment system.

If any child wishes to change from packed lunch to school dinner or vice versa, parents must speak to Mrs Amjed in the school office before a change can be made. Children having a packed lunch are encouraged to bring a healthy choice of food and avoid crisps and chocolates to keep in line with healthy meals in schools policies. Food containing nuts must not be included in a packed lunch.

Milk & Fresh Fruit

189ml is provided daily for a minimal cost and free for children under 5 years and those receiving free school meals. Milk is required to be paid for in advance, on a termly basis, and is non refundable for absences. Fresh Fruit is provided daily to FS and KS1 children through the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.

The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme is a government funded scheme, providing fruit and vegetables to children aged 4 to 6 years as one of their 5 A Day.


Evington Valley Milk Provider is Cool Milk

Cool Milk Website

LTS Catering Information:

 School Meal Information

  • School meals are charged at £2.30 per day.
  • Parents can either pay weekly every Monday or termly or half termly in advance, if a child is absent credit is carried forward and any outstanding credit is refunded.
  • Please note that the menu below is on a three weekly cycle.

 Free School Meals

Pupils can have free school meals if their parents or carers are in receipt of:

  • Income Support (IS)
  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance (IBJSA)
  • Income -related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • National Asylum Seeker Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credits, with· a gross family income that DOES NOT exceed £16,190 (Please note that if you receive Working Tax Credit you will not be entitled to free school meals)
  • A guarantee element of State Pension Credit.

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is extra funding the government gives to schools to raise the achievement of disadvantaged pupils. The amount a school receives depends on the number of pupils eligible for free school meals.

Parents are therefore encouraged to register their children, even if:

  • They do not want to eat school meals
  • They already receive universal infant free school meals.

This is in order to raise extra money for the school, which can be used towards extra tuition, learning assistants or after school clubs.

How to Apply for Free School Meals

  • Apply online –·visit: Leicester City Council FSM and complete the online form
  • By telephone - call Leicester City Council on 0116 454 1009. Make sure you have your National Insurance number to hand.
  • By post – download and print a paper application form on the bottom of this page and post it to:

Free School Meals Service

Leicester City Council
4th Floor, York House
91 Granby Street

Tel: 0116 252 7009

E-Mail: education.fsm@leicester.gov.uk

 Universal Free School Meals

Since September 2014, all children who are in reception (F2), Year 1 or Year 2 in a state-funded school have been offered a free healthy school lunch. Children in other school years will also be offered a free school lunch if their parent is receiving any of the welfare benefits listed below. If you wish your child to receive a free school meal, please speak to the school office.
Registering for free school meals could raise extra money for the school, to fund valuable support like extra tuition, additional teaching staff or after school activities.
This additional money is available from central government for every child whose parent is receiving one of the welfare benefits listed in the form. It is therefore important to sign up for free school meals, even if your child is in reception (F2), Year 1 or Year 2, so that your child's school receives as much funding as possible.
Parents are therefore encouraged to register their children, even if:

  • They do not want to eat school meals
  • They already receive universal infant free school meals.

This is in order to raise extra money for the school, which can be used towards extra tuition, learning assistants or after school clubs. 
If you in receipt of any of the following, you can complete a FSM application:
Income Support (IS)

  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance (IBJSA)
  • Income -related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • National Asylum Seeker Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credits, with a gross family income that DOES NOT exceed £16,190 (Please note that if you receive Working Tax Credit you will not be entitled to free school meals), or
  • A Guarantee element of State Pension Credit.